What Does Jesus Think Is Great
January 21, 2024
- Dr. Tony Wolfenbarger
- The Triumphant King
- The Triumphant King Part 2
- Matthew
- Burden
- Christ
- Father
- Greatness
- Holy Spirit
- Hypocrisy
- Messiah
- Ministry
- Rabbi
- Service
- Teacher
- Yoke
- Ballardsville Baptist Church
Am I under authority? – Matthew 21:23-32
November 5, 2023
- Dr. Tony Wolfenbarger
- The Triumphant King
- Matthew
- Acceptence
- Authority
- Commission
- Control
- Discipline
- Engage With Others
- Father
- Following Jesus
- Joy
- Judgement
- Law
- Life
- Love
- Marriage
- Obedience
- Parents
- Power
- Promises
- Respect
- Sacrifice
- Servant
- Workers
- Worship
- Worth
- Ballardsville Baptist Church
Divine Commission, Part F – Part 18
November 27, 2022
- Chris Clark
- The King's Authority Revealed
- Matthew
- A Person Of Peace
- Acknowledge
- Authority
- Blessing
- Commission
- Deny
- Disciple
- Discipleship
- Disown
- Division
- Embrace The Commission
- Enemy
- Engage With Others
- Experience Jesus
- Father
- Healing
- Heaven
- Jesus
- Love
- Message
- Method
- Peace
- Power
- Priority
- Proclaim
- Salvation
- Satan
- Sent
- Small Groups
- Supremacy of Christ
- Sword
- War
- Witness
- Worthy
- Ballardsville Baptist Church